
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

It was my oldest sister's birthday this last Sunday. 
So this is a belated birthday post.
I love my sister, she is a very wonderful young lady. 
Her smile is bright and happy. 
Her laugh is silly.
Her hair is amazing. 
She is amazing (and NOT just because of her hair).
She loves her siblings too.

She is a nut, and would be the first to admit it. 
She loves horses and is an AMAZING horse trainer. 

Hippy Happy Buthutda!

Your Little Sister, 


  1. Aw, such a sweet post! Lovely shots too. Happy birthday to your sister!

  2. Aww's. She's beautiful. And so's her hair. I can so tell that you loves her lots. <3
    And awesome photos.

  3. Wonderful post! She looks like so much fun...and I *love* her hair. Happy Birthday to her!


Comments makes my day every time!

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