This Made Me Smile :: Monday :: Five Sinkin' Days

Monday, September 15, 2014

I mentioned this last week....but this is something that is taking up a lot of our time and thoughts.
My sister is getting married in five days.
Five days.
So much planning, crafting, organizing and general excitement is going on around here. 
And I think we are ready.
sneak peek

Check back next Monday for a picture or two of this great event. 
-Mackenzie Hope-


  1. So happy for her!! Take time to enjoy this whole process in all the busyness and stress! ;-)

  2. Practically crying that I can't see it. And meet her. But, so so so excited to see pictures.

  3. aw, so excited and happy for her! oh my goodness, they're so so so cuuute togetherrrr. *squeals in delight* weddings make me happy. people in love make me really happy. love this, M. ;) congratulations to your sister! {and once again, i absolutely adore her hair. yup. m'kay.} xx


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