Warning. This is a very vertical set of pictures.
In other words there is not one horizontal picture in this post.
You know, there are times when I don't get a chance to take pictures of anyone for a while.
I must say, I really start missing portrait shoots after a couple weeks of taking none.
So, I usually break this silence by prevailing upon friends and family to pose for me, and they usually comply.
Which is great.
Actually, some of my very favorite shoots have been from a spontaneous shoot coming from my crave to take pictures and a wonderful, willing model.
In this case it was Phoebe who braved the cold without her coat for a full 10 minutes.
She is a trouper.
Yes. I do know that my "Monday" posts usually consist of maybe one picture and a couple of words.
But, I thought I might as well post a couple more.

Happy Monday!
~Mackenzie Hope~
these are gorgeous. she is gorgeous. :) friends always make me smile. x